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Wang Dongling: From Inception

Wang Dongling’s solo exhibition, From Inception, at Zhejiang Art Museum presents his 60 years of calligraphy exploration journey. He experimented with various traditional calligraphy such as Ink abstraction, silver-salt calligraphy, and stainless-steel calligraphy. He integrated academic research with media experimentation that spans through virtual and reality. Focusing on the gestures and techniques, Wang’s works created an indisputable chaotic book based on his extensive knowledge and his calligraphy skills.

Wang’s 22.1 meters long calligraphy “The Analects” is attached to a curved wall, this script is a monument to the 2500th anniversary of the death of Confucius. The 12 meters long “XiaoYao You” is a space displayed by augmented reality technology which connects reality to the dreaminess in his work.
